Dessert Person


About the book…


I am a dessert person.

What does that mean exactly? Well, I like cakes and cookies and pies and believe that no meal is complete without something sweet at the end. When a server asks me if I saved room for dessert, the answer is always, emphatically, “yes.” Whipped cream is my favorite food of all time.

I wrote “Dessert Person”, my first cookbook, to celebrate and defend my love of desserts. The recipes represent my attempt to demonstrate just how versatile and flexible baking can be (which is why you’ll find an entire chapter on savory baking as well). 

I explain the hows and whys of each recipe in order to demystify the baking process and empower reluctant home bakers to work with new ingredients, attempt new techniques, and generally approach baking with greater confidence.

I hope this book persuades any skeptics out there — those people who say “I’m a cook, but I’m not a baker” — that baking is an utterly adaptable, multifaceted, and rewarding art. There are no “just cooks” out there, I am convinced. There are only bakers who haven’t been converted yet.

Self-identifying as a dessert person is my way of declaring that no foods are good or bad. Food holds no moral weight at all. This is a book filled with practical recipes for the home baker, but it’s also my personal meditation on the benefits and pleasures of living less restrictively. I hope that you not only make something from this book, but that you enjoy it, guilt-free, with family and friends. I am a dessert person, and we are all dessert people!

I am so excited to share this book with you.

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